Arunsi Othniel Fortune, better known as Othy, has put out a collage of poems called Cherry Blossom.
It is a beautiful piece of literary expression that, as Abdulquadri Saka-Bolanta describes, “explores some generic human emotions in popular circumstances such as denial; largely as experienced by the author, some of which you might easily relate to and others you might not.”
We are proud to share his work with you. Download Cherry Blossom here.
Orgy. This is powerful.
the collage is just beautiful.. i felt some relief to see some of my views aired or rather shared.. thanks OTHY.
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God bless you

I am speechless and so proud, mixed feelings yeah? I will let them bloom, this is tremendous. Bravo!!!
I've always believed in you, and you've never let me down! More grace big man!
Othy!'re a king! of the sires of emotions..I'm happy I've always believed in you..greater heights to!..cheers to cherry blossom!
You’ve always been amazing at what you do. Keep going Othy ����
A beautiful collage of all the emotions I feel but fail to put to words
Thank you Othy