Did You Miss Any of These?

HEYYA GUYS! This week was wow! We had so much excitement on Monday and for a minute there, we were almost busting out of our seams. Somehow, that energy didn’t carry to the end of the week. Why? Can we get our excitement back? Well, tomorrow is the start of a new week and we hope to be back with full ‘ginger’. Anyway, these were our biggest stories and posts this past week; 1.     On the blog; ·        We started the week by calling out everyone who thinks that women exaggerate their menstrual pains to get out of work or because they want to be ‘petted’. Like we care what people think when we are writhing in pains😒😒😒😒😒😒😒; ·        We also had a child labor dilemma that we wanted you to help solve. PS: We still need answers and; ·        And because the #16DaysOfActivism started on November 25, which also is the #InternationalDayForTheEradicationOfViolenceAgainstWomen, we put a post about why changing the rhetoric on ending violence against women may be our only chance at surviving the persistent violence towards us. 2.     And on the podcast; ·        We dished on Room 315, AFFRIFF and other movie news we were tracking and; ·        We did a roundup of the what-the-hell news 😕😕😕we had seen this week. Like, what the hell man? Quick teaser…there is a man who penis went to his knees, a landlord who doubles up as a prison guard and the possible new president of Zimbabwe. You need to listen to it. Anyway, that was it on our platforms this week. If you missed out on any of our stories, you can catch them all up here. Don’t forget to follow our various platform; ·        FACEBOOK: Shades of Brown, NG; ·        TWITTER: @shadesofbrownng; ·        INSTAGRAM: @shadesofbrownng and; ·        EMAIL: shadesofbrownnigeria@gmail.com. Love you always. Kisses!

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